Tuesday 31 May 2016

Why are IT Guys So Frustrated?

Hello All,

I am trying to write my views with the very first post on Frustration of IT Guys. Its not totally true that only IT Guys are frustrated but almost Peoples from all fields are frustrated in their life. I am writing this particularly for IT guys because I am from the same field and knows the culture and working conditions of IT peoples.

Frustration is not natural, it comes when you are not satisfied in any cause either its your professional life or personal life. But the most common cause is the professional life. It is due to the lack of support from your employer? or from your working environment? or the lack of knowledge?

Coming to the answer, I must not say that everyone is frustrated at their job but most of us. It is a fact and no one can deny. I think approx 50% of the working peoples are frustrated of their job because at some point they are behind the knowledge/experience or they feel they are mentally tortured. If you are an IT professional then you can understand it that you have to fulfil your managers/projects requirement on time whether you are experienced or not. For a fresher or less experienced person it is quite difficult to achieve that on time thus leads to overtime or works on weekends. At a result do not get time to spend for yourself or with your family and close ones. If you are an experienced professional then requirements and expectations from you are high.
At some point I consider that many companies put different level of persons (in terms of experience) in the same category depending on the requirement of projects. Some may complete their work on time and some don't. That thing hit their self esteem somehow and they started working overtime or on weekends. Thus a result, frustration. This is not only the single thing I am counting. There are many more factors:

Employer: Most of the time they don't care whether you are satisfy with your work or not. Yes they run several programs for their employees but most of us haven't dare to speak word against it. We thought that whether we lose our job or will face some harsh things at some point. Many of them won't give you incentives if you work overtime. If they give who cares, if you don't get time for your self or for your close ones.

Technology: Technology changes everyday but we are not. Everyday something new is introduced. We have to learn or grab that as quickly as possible else we are behind in the rat race. Many of us are not good to adapt some thing new, quickly. Hence, frustrated of that to adapt new things. Yes adapting new things is very good but as a common human nature we are not able to do that.

Working Fellow: As i mentioned earlier that if you won't adapt new things quickly or are lacking of knowledge then you feel bullying. Your work fellows are smart enough to do that. I am not saying that everyone is same because we have 5 different fingers in our hand but they are. Keeping distance from other peoples and trying to do your own work all day leads to someone in frustration.

Projects/Assignments: You are assigned to a project with other employees. Its good for you but will you fulfil the requirements on time? This is the major question and again lacking of knowledge according to project requirements do its work. Yes we were trained to that but only training is not sufficient to grab things quickly, you need hands on experience and working experience on the same field. I know one of my friend having 4 years of experience in JAVA and recently got a job with a good reputed company. He was trained in some software package for at least one month. After few months we was assigned on a project with a client running that package. He is now too frustrated, several times we talk and he complained that He doesn't know a shit of that. His fellow have 7/8 years of experience and they know what to do. I even unable to adapt that new package yet and their is always a sword near my throat of losing job. You understand his frustration if you faced the same in past.

Health: Due to long working hours,  spoils your mood and health. You even don't get proper food. Yes most of the companies have cafeteria but the food was their as per us? The answer is simply no. The cafeteria have its own predefined menu and we have to order food from it. Thus we were auto forced to take junks. As a result health issues.

Salary/Hikes/Promotion: Most of us are not IIT/IIM/NIT graduates. We started our career from basic and grow ourself to this level. Why did we do that? for salary and good incentives only. But if you work hard, fulfil your requirements of project and everything is good with you but you still won't get that much hike you were eligible, than what will you do? You can't leave your job all of sudden. Most of the companies have their standard criteria of hikes and appraisals. They don't care a single thing about you. You want to leave, leave soon. 100 resigned and new 100 will be hired, that's the new philosophy.

Outsourcing: This is the major concern of frustration. Outsource companies are not so good in their nature. They even don't care about your career or future. They only needs money and money. I faced the same thing in my career. If you are hired by a major IT giant but actually your payroll company was a outsourcing company then no one care. You have to wait for the project. What if you were kicked out of the project in between? your outsourcing company won't bother about it and won't pay you a single penny. Also an outsourced employee treated like a peon in the worst scenario. This leads the frustration in a employee.

Travel/Transport: Major cities have this issue and you find major IT companies in these cities with most openings. But to reach out to your job and comeback to your home is such a headache. It take 1/4 of your 24 hours most of the time. and to stay near the Campus is not possible for everyone? Am I Right or am I Right?

Sometimes there were so many thing happened around you that you can't understand. Like you recently joined a company and due to some personal reasons you have to leave your job and way back to home. Like you searched for a good job for months, finally you got one but after months one day you got a mail that company is facing some financial issues and started managing its resources. You have to look for a new job then. These all things leads us to frustration.

There are several factors that affect our life, I am not able to explain everything but they exist.
Sometime even many of my friends and my relatives asked me, if you are frustrated so much then why won't you leave your job? I am writing that answer too:

We can't leave our job whether we like it or not. If you are single and independent then its ok for you but most of us came from a middle class family where we have our parents to look after, we have wife and kids to look for and most importantly we have a hungry stomach to fill. We can't just leave our job and enjoy our life. We have loans, we also want a owned house or we also want to look for our brothers and sisters. It is not easy as it looks like. We are not like this always but our rite made us like this.

I hope you are agree with me. Kindly comment your views below.